Friday, June 21, 2013

Moving... with Children

We recently moved to the other side of town with our three kids and a small dog.  We were cramped in a two bedroom apartment that we never intended on staying in longer than a few months.  The move was also necessary to get all of our kids into the same school district, so all around this was a wise decision for our newly blended family.

I have to admit -the dog gave us the least amount of trouble through this whole move.  Tiffany (our poodle mix) was curious as to why all of the tasty stuffed animals were suddenly missing (she likes to go all Hannibal on their faces), but other than that, she left the boxes alone and stayed out of the way.
The three kids on the other hand, spent those last two weeks moping that they were leaving their friends(our oldest),whining that they had to pack, (our middle child), or unpacking things that were already packed to play with them(our youngest).  

I was almost ready to pack them each into their own boxes and put them in the back of the U-Haul!  My Honey just kept reminding me that we would soon be in our new place, and that this too, would pass.

Fast forward a month - now we are almost completely unpacked in our new place everyone is happy with their own rooms and playroom to share.  I get to have my living room stay clean for longer than an hour.

Let's hope we get to stay in this rental longer than a year, because I do NOT want to go through this again anytime soon…