Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Early Adopter - or My son's birthday each year drives me nuts

Every year we have the same conversation with my son -

"What theme do you want for your birthday?"

"Um...(obscure theme that CANNOT be found in Party City)"


So, I become the DIY Mom and try to make it happen for him before his Memorial Day birthday.   Then, inevitably, when we start planning my oldest September birthday, the said theme can be found in the local Party City.  Then the oldest decides on another obscure theme herself.   Legos before the Lego Movie came out; Avengers before Captain America appeared in the theaters;  Doctor Who before any other kids figured out the catchphrase "Allons-y!"

Oh the joys of having early adopters as children.  They always seem to be ahead of the curve and just when the rest of their friends (and retailers) catch up, they are on to the next thing.  It's a good thing I'm a crafter and I love a challenge.

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